Posted on Jul 14, 2021   |   
Heavenly Hosts

Have you ever felt someone from other side of the veil close to you? Have you received help from those who have passed on?

I wholeheartedly believe in help from former friends and family members. Those who love us on the other side of the veil must be anxiously engaged in work for us. Joseph Smith taught that they cannot be saved without us, but we also cannot be saved without them.

I've often wondered if the names we write down in the temple become the names those on the other side pick up when they go to do work for the living.

I hope I never become too cynical or too hardened by the reality of life to see tender mercies coming from loving Heavenly Parents, a loving Savior, and many others. It might not always be the help you were hoping for or the help you even notice, but I believe it always comes.