Posted on Nov 06, 2015   |   
Thoughts on the Church's New Policy

Hello my friends! There is a lot of activity on FB today over the Church's new policies. I'm sure they are working on an official statement, but since I have a few followers on this page, I thought I might offer some insight.

I would guess that this policy is so strict because it gives the Church the freedom to lighten it where it should be lightened (for example, when parents in a same sex marriage are trying to be friendly and work openly with the Church) and the freedom to take a hard stance when it is needed (for example, an active LDS grandmother is trying to pull her grandchild away from a gay child). I'm certain the baby blessing policy is meant to keep grandparents (perhaps even with support from a local leader) from coming into direct conflict with a gay son or daughter who does not want the child to be a part of the Church. We never want to put a child in the middle of a conflict. If a gay parent wants their child named and blessed, I'm certain there will be exceptions. Remember, policy manuals are brief and clear (and often pretty boring 🙂 ). Case by case training often comes from the district or stake level because situations vary so much across the world. Hope that helps with some perspective.

In all of this, please remember to be kind, to listen, to comfort, to try to understand. Many of our LGBT friends will be hurt by this because they do not see it as a form of protection or coming from a desire to help. I believe that it does. Many in the media will, of course, fan the flame of anger. As friction rises, please be kind, be encouraging, be a listener. Don't attack, don't lash out. If you need to, take a break from social media for a while, say a prayer, and come back in freshness and strength.

As Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin once said, "Kindness is the essence of greatness."