Please don’t misunderstand me on this, I really like Church. I go weekly and usually have a great experience.
With that said, the Lord is not confined by the four walls of a church. If we aren’t careful we can fall into the trap of generalizing people into categories. Church attendance can become a filter by which we begin to see people as spiritual/non-spiritual. Many many of those we describe as “inactive” are very close to the Lord. They have big hearts, they pray, read scripture, serve others, and repent daily. However, for some reason they choose not to participate in church. It can be health issues, anxiety, depression, grief, allergies, or any other myriad of reasons. Some have been hurt deeply by members or priesthood leaders. Some feel unwelcome or out of place. It is wrong to think God cannot speak to them as much as he does with someone who attends.
I think the vast majority of us attend church because we love God, our community, and we want to renew our covenants. However, some “active” members can be those who are furthest from God. Perhaps they only attend church to keep up a false image.
I’m hoping a post like this can help us rethink our assumptions, not categorize people, and see everyone in a more merciful way.