Comparison will rob you of joy. It will rob you of being satisfied with your life, loves, and looks. To compare is a fool’s errand. You come out of any comparison feeling arrogant or discouraged - two miserable options. Refuse to compare your life, job, money, looks, marriage, home, children, or vacations with anyone else’s. We can’t judge our life against others because we don’t know their past or their heart. We don’t know them like we know ourselves. If you are pleased because you think you are prettier, smarter, wealthier, etc. than someone else, you are setting yourself up for misery. The tables will be turned soon and you’ll be on the losing end of the comparison. Instead, choose to live a life of service, love, kindness, and uplifting others. Plead with the Lord for his grace to make you better than you were yesterday. After a while, you’ll find yourself loving your life without comparison. You’ll find your happiness coming from deep inside you and you’ll finally see yourself and others the way the Lord does.