Sara and I were out one evening and we were discussing Adam and Eve. She asked me the strangest question, "Do you think Adam and Eve were embarrassed when they found out they were naked?" I laughed and said, "What?" She said, "Think about it. If someone told you something like that wouldn't you look back and feel so foolish?" "I guess." I responded. Then she said something I would never forget. She said:
"We shouldn't judge yesterday's mistakes with today's knowledge."
She is absolutely right. The Lord doesn't judge our past by our present knowledge so let's not do that to ourselves. We all have made mistakes. We all did things in the past we are embarrassed about now. We've all hurt ourselves and others. Don't allow the adversary to replay it in your mind over and over. As Elder Holland said, "It is not right to go back and open up some ancient wound that the Son of God Himself died trying to heal."