Posted on Jun 30, 2021   |   

The first official missionary of the church was Samuel Smith. That first mission was a couple of weeks long. The first “district” of missionaries served 3 months (D&C 52). The first overseas missionary, Heber C Kimball, served 10 months. The sons of Mosiah served 14 years. The Bean’s mission to Palymra was 25 years! Today, most missions are “anticipated” to be 24 or 18 months. The Lord doesn’t differentiate. He has never said a longer or shorter mission is more accepted or successful than any other. Missions bless lives! However, because of various reasons many people can’t serve a mission. Some people chose not to serve. The Lord understands each person and meets them where they are.

When you have Jesus Christ at the center of your world, your life becomes a mission. We try to live like Him and share His love with anyone who will listen.